The Duet
Wheelchair Bike Program
We provided over two dozen rides on the Duet wheelchair bike this Summer and Fall.
Thank you to all the great volunteer pilots and safeties, and to the happy passengers!
We look forward to giving many more rides next year!
(Scroll down for more info about the Duet Program)

WHO: This program serves seniors and others who are not able to get out easily on foot.
WHAT: The Duet is a wheelchair and bike combo – the wheelchair is steered from behind by a cyclist on the attached bicycle.
(see photos)
The combo may also be separated upon arrival at a destination, and the volunteer will push the wheelchair on foot.
WHERE: Rides are currently limited to the village of Bellows Falls, but eventually we’ll branch out into other areas of Rockingham and beyond.
WHY: The Duet provides opportunities to get out in the fresh air, “stroll” around the village, and connect with the community.
HOW: Trained volunteers pick up passengers at their residence, help them into the wheelchair, fit them with a bike helmet, and go for a leisurely ride. Safety is a priority.
WHEN: Most Friday and Saturday afternoons, and occasionally other weekdays.
COST: Free
Thank you
for approving a $3000 grant to fund our